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Do we really need a design system?

Why This Talk?

Why are design systems important and how can they be implemented, either from scratch or based on other tools? How can libraries like Material UI and headless UIs can accelerate this process?

Key Takeaways

  • Avoid Starting from Scratch: Starting a design system from the ground up is resource-intensive and often unnecessary. Leverage existing systems like Material Design or Bootstrap that provide reliable and tested foundations, unless your goal is to learn or experiment with design system creation.

  • Understand the APIs: Design systems come with predefined APIs and documentation that dictate how components and styles should be used. Reading and understanding the documentation ensures you’re using the system correctly and effectively, rather than trying to modify it without a clear understanding.

  • Build on Strong Foundations: If you need to customize or build your own design system, prioritize scalability, testability, and maintainability. Focus on adapting styles to meet your needs rather than reinventing or reengineering core functionalities, which can lead to inconsistencies and technical debt.

  • Stick to Basics: Clear naming conventions and consistent design principles form the foundation of an effective design system. A shared understanding and strong collaboration between designers and developers ensure a seamless workflow, reducing misunderstandings and errors.
